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이메일 형식의 스팸 - 낚이지 말자

영어 스팸으로 종종, "나에게 좋은 펀드가 있는데 너에게 주고 싶어" 라는 글을 담은 메일이 오곤 한다.

역시나 스팸이니 낚이지 말고 삭제하자.


내용은 아래와 같다.


Congratulations to you and your family, in the name of Jesus, my name is Sarah Benjamain, I am a woman in the hospital, have decided to donate what I have to the poor charities in your country. I am a 71-year-old woman without a child and I have liver cancer every four years, right after my husband's death, Andrin Benjamain, director of TC Industries, gave up the late husband's fund for the charity project. I am about to give you under your care, as soon as I hear from you, I will give you more details.


You can contact me via my private email mrssarabenjamain123@gmail.com for more details.


Thank you.


Sarah Benjamain.